An Austrian TLCW-fan in Hongkong - Part 6 Forum Index -> Tony Leung Miscellaneous
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Joined: 22 Mar 2006
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Location: Austria

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:41 am    Post subject: An Austrian TLCW-fan in Hongkong - Part 6

proceeding...... June 28 th - Meeting T o n y Leung Chiu wai - our idol !

(First I have to correct some mistakes ( Thank you Eri)
There were still 5 of us, when taking place on the comfortable sofas. Later Marissa, „A“ and Garfield gradually arrived. Cisca also manage to take part ultimately -before her departure to Macao

„ Tony will join us in about 20 minutes „.............These words made me happy and anxious at the same time - my heart is beating fast.
It was said Tony is in a hurry and will not have very much time – about half an hour probably, cause he has to depart from HK still this evening.

I/we quickly frequented the lavatory – a look into the mirror......a trerrible dishevelled sight........“why oh why.........“ ( women allover of the world will understand)
Finally I motivatad myself remembering my reason to come here – and Tony´s words : ….. „but I´ll try my best“. He definitely did his best and could manage to come - though his very tight schedule ! I should be grateful and try my best – be happy to meet my idol - and forget self-pity, this shallow and irrelevnt moaning …...I partly managed.

When we 5 returned from lavatory, my friends allocated Anny and me on the sofa with our back to the room/entrance - Info, Eri and Masako took place opposite of us - with sight into the room. Strong rain was pouring down the big windows next to us.
We order some drinks (me a glass of red wine ) …..and a few minutes later, I watched something arousing the attention of my friends oppisite of me – I could not see …..but knew : Our idol is entering the room !
Determined reaching our place, I see Tony, my from afar admired idol, the very first time in real life.- from face to face.Entering the scene, he is present - and authentic.
Tony Leung Chiu wai ! if just descended from the big screen. …..dressed in „casual style „- how he likes private. Jeans, blue chequered- pattern shirt, white rain-jacket, his comfortable grey shoes - and a blue baseball cap – as cover (which he quickly took off)
He looks incredible young and fresh – nearer to 40 than to 50 – radiating inner strength and calmness – is simply breathtaking beautiful .
Tony, naturally and friendly shaking everybody´s hands - with a warm smile on his face and in his wonderful eyes – ice-breaking. His heartily greeting is unaffected - genuine and coherent – you simply have to love him from first moment on. He makes you feel YOU – not anybody or nobody – no, you – as a person on the same level !
Seeing my glass of red wine he comments humorous „Oh, I see – in holiday-mood !“ (Guess meanwhile our three HK- fan fellows : Marissa, Garfield and A..already arrived.)

Suddenly and unexpected Tony leaves our group …....silence on our table......I could not turn around – or figure out where he went to ....
(Here I suggest to read Eri´s following comment)
Returning some minutes later, Tony takes place on my left side (so planned by my fellows) – a kind and honourable gesture - I appreciate, but makes eye contact and conversation a bit difficult also.
Attentively Tony askes again, whether we are well provided with drinks....-for himself he orderes an alcohol-free green drink (herbs,fruit ?).
We friendly denied, when he asked us whether we are hungry.......(how could we be hungry in this moment !) - but later, two „3-storey-dishes“ (?) with delicious petit- fours and delicacies - were served (he ordered before). He mentioned not to be hungry either – and shows us a foto from his - today self-prepared meal - on his handy.
As perfect „host“ he always finds some kind words and interested questions for all of us - to bridge laps in the conversation.
My Japanese friends he asked about the recent situation in Japan - after 3/11. Asked if he has experiences with earthquakes.....,he affirms and if he was scared then, he denies – cause in his sight fear does not help and makes no sense in such situation.
To me he adresses :„I guess we should have met in Tokyo two years ago....“..... and wanted to know how long my flight from Austria was......( he mentions not to like long-distant-flights...) - so my next question whether he would like to spend his winterholidays (he likes snowboarding) in Austria somewhen – was quite stupid. Though Tony friendly explained to prefer winterholidays in Hokkaido – cause of the nearer distance – and he likes to meet some good friends there …...Then proceeding this topic with Marissa in Cantonese , he tells about some unpleasant flight-experiences. Spoken on his current haircut (he dislikes apparently) he also answers very down-to-earth: „ if it is needed for a role......there is no choice- it has to be.....“
He mainly talked in English – and with our HK Ladies, he -undertandably- prefered Cantonese.
Cisca also managed to join us meanwhile – now we were a table of 10 persons ultimately.

You might criticize, but caused of excitement or nervosity....., our questions were probably not as intelligent, interesting and groundbreaking as intended.......
Nevertheless -Tony was a patient and amiable coloquist – and we hang on his every word.
More and more we felt comfortable – in my point of view, Tony felt quiet well too - was in a good mood – often laughing spontanously (see Info´s foto in forum)
Telling him we visited a Karaoke-Bar the day before, to watch his music-videos only: he - playing ashamed - buries his face in his beautiful hands -and laughed heartily. He confessed, not to like his all.
In this – relaxed atmosphere, I felt a sudden annoying cough-attack. The more I tried to suppress – the worse. How to leave the scene quickly ? I did not want to disturb Tony, talking on my left - so I tried the narrow way right, next the window.... - much too narrow - a bad mistake ! I heard falling glasses.........became desperate.....and somehow managed to flee urgently – passsing the nearby standing, stoic „bodyguard“ (?)..... along the green, grass-planted wall - in direction lavatory.
What a shame ! I hated myself and did not want to return. Some caring fellows persuaded me to come back again with the words: „Noooo problem.....these things simply happen.....not the first time for Tony.........“ At last - not to worsen the situation the more -for all, I followed them back. The table was cleaned already.... – and all took it very easy. We continued our conversation with Tony, as if nothing had happened. Not untill some minutes later, I noticed: Info´s and Masako´s white jackets were ruined with some flecks of red wine ! – I still regret.
(Maybe my fellows will be able to add some more topics and details........I missed or forgot)

Time flies...- all too fast, unfortunately.....and we already talked with Tony about an hour – much longer than planned. We regret and did not want to realize, but Tony had to leave soon. Info reminded us to hand -over our gifts, if we like – I almost forgot.
In the adjoining room - not to attract to much notice of the other guests -and though in a hurry, our dear idol made the time for us to shoot a foto with each of us. Unfortunately there was no more time for a group-foto with Tony – but we later did one from us happy/sad „girls“.
( Probably Info could post – if all agree )
Our beloved idol friendly received our little presents , paid the bill - and friendly greeting he made his exit.----------------------------------------------

BTW: In Forum I later found the foto from 28 th in the evening: Tony and Carina on HK Airport – departing for India. He really was in a big hurry !

As sudden as our idol appeared - he disappeared from the picture – somehow it was unreal. I felt like awaking from a dream, or after „The End“ in Cinema, when the light is switched on.
Cisca , Garfield, and A., were in a hurry too - so we had to say one more „Good bye“ to our kind fellow fans.

For a worthy ending of this memorable day, Info, Marissa and we „Fabulous 4“ went to the „Goldfinch“- Restaurant. It is the shooting location of „ In The Mood For Love“ (Maggie and Tony dining and talking about their unfaithful partners...) A nostalgic „east-meets-west“ Restaurant - in styling and kitchen - and a „must“ for ITMFL-lovers like us.

Having our farewell-dinner in adequate ambience - and watching a big Tony & Maggie-movie poster on the wall next to us, we spent a beautiful last evening together !

Last Part and résumé…...coming soon ~


Last edited by Safran on Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:53 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:59 am    Post subject:

A wonderful job you've done, Helga! Thank you so much, for putting in so much time, and work, to tell us your adventure. I feel so happy for all you girls, that such a wonderful experience was had, even though I never could have made such a trip. You made me feel I was there, and without your effort, that would not be so. Your words are a gift to us.

Speaking of gift, Tony's gift of time, patience, and kindness is a remarkable gift, considering his tight schedule, and certainly considering the drawbacks that come with fame. He still made time for you AND footed the bill! What a gracious man! Thank you to Tony, for making these women's day so special. It will not be forgotten, and is a wonderful example of kindness that should inspire all of us to realize the happiness that each of us can generate, through kindness to the people we encounter around us, on any given day. We all have that ability, and it's exciting to remember that.
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:39 am    Post subject:

Helga, I'm so glad for your happy ending!! It must have been such a treat to meet with our idol. Don't worry too much over the mishap. It can happen to anyone. No one else seemed to mind, so don't beat yourself up over it!

Did anyone take a photo of the drinks or the food? I want to know if it's really as colourful as it was described to be. Wink

BTW, this mystery woman who he left to talk to - is she as gorgeous in person as she is on screen? Maybe you couldn't tell with the oversized sunglasses. Cool

Thank you for sharing your adventure!
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:10 am    Post subject:

The man on the day!

By the way, sitting behind our table were Brigitte Lin and Director Yonfan. In one of Yonfan's articles, he actually touched a bit about our gathering.


[蘋果日報] 2011年07月10日

和她喝四點鐘的下午茶。漂亮的她,戴了一副 Tom Ford的太陽眼鏡,身穿黑色便裝另披一件鵝蛋黃的風衣,坐在雨中的窗口邊,好一幅風景。那方走來一位目不斜視的男士,她說那是梁朝偉。我「哦」了一聲,聽見背後許多女生在嘰喳。男士過後,她又告訴我梁朝偉就坐在背後。我沒回頭望,因為我和梁生不熟。於是彼此開始聊了些許她寫作的近況。這時那目不斜視的梁生正好又從我們座位走過,於是她叫了兩聲「梁朝偉」,目不斜視仍舊目不斜視地向前走,好像沒認出她。我問這位傾城美女,不介意梁生沒理會你?她說,不介意;不過好像今天他是應該去印度的。不久梁生又再次經過,於是我說,梁生,這是林小姐。梁生很興奮地認出這位傾城美女,說道她的 Tom Ford把半個臉都遮住,怎能認得出是她;今天是和遠方的影迷們聚會。她說你和嘉玲不是今天在印度嗎?梁生說今晚才走;然後二人很高興地談了一下印度甚麼的。我仔細的評審眼前的這位美女,就覺得她和某人很相像;你可能說,只聽過其他美女像她,像方出道時的張栢芝與陳慧琳,卻從來未聞她像某人。梁生走後,我對她說,你和尊龍很像。她忽然神秘地拉起那黑色喀什米爾毛衣領,把那剩下的半個臉又遮了一半,似乎半醒卻又半醉地說,我也這麼覺得。這時大概是下午四時二十分,離她平常起床的時候還差四十分鐘。

我說今天怎麼這麼早?她說本來約了 Kim Robinson做頭髮,張叔平要她剪短,但是 Kim Robinson說剪短了,若是不喜歡,自己決不負責;張叔平說顏色還要再深黑點, Kim說這個濃度就夠了。她問我覺得怎樣,我說怎樣都好,人們看見你、聽到你的名字,就已經洗腦式的覺得好看,這就是名牌效應,而你是中國美女名牌第一人,你也不用那麼吹毛求疵地追尋完美。她言道,但是追求完美是我的一個習慣,我知道這是一個弱點,或者給周遭的人帶來很多不便,但是我改不了,總是希望以最好的拿給別人看。像我每天的穿着,就要花上很多時間去配襯,像我寫稿,寫完了三年連書都要付印了,現在有些字眼我還在改,幸好設計是張叔平可以完全信賴,不然誰人能受得了我。所以當年我和鞏俐一齊拍戲,我看見她那麼隨意,就感到自己太執着,自己也想隨意一些,但是性格改不了。

我叫了一杯黑咖啡,她甚麼也沒點,說是不餓不渴,時間太早,然後就懶洋洋地把玩着新買的牛仔布袋。這時侍應端了一大盤美麗的飲料走過,絕不誇張,盤內高低肥瘦的杯子載入可口不同顏色的飲料,令我想起《新同居時代》中「美麗飲料」的對白。我說,那些美麗的飲料可是梁朝偉請影迷們享用的?她卻說,你的書包好看,是否真的台灣小學書包。我望到那牛仔布袋露出些豹紋裡子,說,這牛仔袋可是 D&G,她說是的,然後把袋子慢慢放開。我忽然有一種說不出的頹廢感覺,窗外下着蓬蓬大雨,這世界已改變成我們幾乎不認識、大自然幾乎不能容忍的地步,我們還在閒話最不要緊的點滴。然而我又有一種說不出的美麗與憂愁的放縱:一個強勢的美女,永遠生活在他人的目光之下,偶爾給你看到些完全放鬆迷惑的一剎,就是終極。

這種完全不自覺的迷人本能,我馬上想白先勇老師與王家衞導演二人,是最能領略箇中韻味的 connoisseur。白老師許多小說中的人物,不須細讀,你都可以馬上聯想到這位美人。白老師寫《謫仙記》時林小姐尚未出道,但是細讀後,感覺整個小說都是為她而寫。八十年代上影的謝晉將它搬上銀幕,女主角一早就說定是她,但是因為政治上的問題,換了潘虹,就變得不是原來那個樣子,戲名也改為《最後的貴族》。往後的《永遠的尹雪艷》與《遊園驚夢》(不是敝人的那部),也應該是為她度身定造復出之作。於是某天林王白三人夜宴,美人復出的消息馬上變成媒體炒作話題。首先傳出的就是她要復出《永遠的尹雪艷》,報上還把荷李活導演李安拉出來炒作了一陣子。當然沒有下文。她幽默地說,我和尹雪艷還真有一點相同,我們都住在台北仁愛路。至於王大導演的盛意,就不是說說那麼簡單。《一代宗師》的造型都已經由張叔平替她想好,故事圍繞着葉問與那位北國來的女刺客,愛恨情仇。分分鐘宣傳了十餘年的葉問故事,由於她強勢的加入,觀眾可能問,這一代宗師到底是哪一個。結果最後上陣的還是章子怡。某天看了章子怡女刺客的造型與打鬥,氣勢與表演真有大突破。我對她說,章的表現超越一般武俠的窠臼,但是假如你來演,就會加上一層厚重的滄桑美,那是歲月累積的,是真實而演不出的。她說,王家衞那時也這樣說,我還真動了心呢。又想起八十年代中,我買了亦舒《玫瑰的故事》版權,開始準備胡亂改編的首稿,原想找她來飾演玫瑰(忘了有無向她開過口),至於玫瑰的哥哥黃振華則改寫成一風華絕代的母親,找真正風華絕代的葉楓復出。我約了玖玲姐喝過好幾次茶談劇本,她也好像給我有復出的意願。正在我興奮之際,張艾嘉的媽媽──另一位風華絕代的女士──對我說,葉楓不會演你的戲。我說,但是我們都談到七七八八的了!原來葉楓小姐講,我看楊凡講得那樣興奮,就讓他一直講下去,免得掃他興致。唉!你們這些風華絕代者。



其實這兩三年和她見面的時間並不多,有時兩三個月也不一聚,但是卻時常通電話或短訊。彼此相聚有點米雪飛花主演《 Lady Hawke》的感覺,皆因作息時間有別。但是也在這兩三年的夜晚,她開始了另一個方式傳遞信息給人們。走在長安街的廣場,中國人會當她名勝般地欣賞,如今她的文章,是否也會成為名勝的導遊指南呢?通常說「人如其文」,就讓世人評論一下吧!



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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:20 am    Post subject:

Thank you, Helga. Very Happy

Finally the best part of the story.

As you couldn't see your back or turn around to look at them, I can add some more details.

Tony actually left our table to visit the washroom at that time and stopped by a man at the next table on the way back and then spent some time to talk to the lady with him.

Later I found out who they were. Wink

When I read the newspaper article, I understood most of them but it was not so easy to translate into English, so I asked Jenny to translate the article.

Some part which concerning Tony;

¡y"Yon Fan: The Starlit Evening" on Apple Daily.(Thanks to Jenny)

I was meeting her for tea at 4 p.m. The gorgeous Brigitte was wearing a pair of Tom Ford sunglasses, dressed entirely in black with a yellow jacket on top. She was seated by the window overlooking the rainy landscape. The scene in front of me looked picture perfect.

Approaching from the opposite end was a man who seemed to be cautiously avoiding eye contact. She told me it was Tony Leung. I let out an 'oh', but heard the excited whispers from a group of ladies behind us. When he passed, she told me he took a seat at their table. I didn't look back, as I'm not familiar with him, so we continued catching up with each other. A while later, Mr. Leung happened to walk by our table again. Brigitte called out "Leung Chiu Wai", however he seemed to be avoiding eye contact again and continued walking on without recognizing her.

I asked this gracious woman in front of me, "Did you mind that he ignored you?" She answered no, but thought it was strange since he was suppose to be in India. Not long after, Mr. Leung returned. This time I took the initiative to call out, "Mr. Leung, this is Ms. Lin." Tony happily greeted her, saying he didn't recognize her before as her Tom Ford sunglasses covered half her face. He told her he's having a gathering with his fans who have come from far away. She asked whether or not he and Carina were traveling to India today? Tony replied that he was leaving later tonight. They both excitedly chatted about the country.

I ordered a cup of black coffee for myself, however Brigitte didn't order anything. She said she wasn't hungry or thirsty, that it was too early. She kept fidgeting with the denim bag she had just purchased. At that moment, a tray full of savouring drinks passed by. I'm not exaggerating when I say that. There were glasses of all different shapes and sizes filled with drinks that came in a spectrum of colours. It reminded me of the dialogue in the movie 'In Between'. I said, "I wonder if these drinks are for his fans?"

Suddenly there was a sound of glass breaking behind us. One of the glasses had shattered and the drinks ended up splashing on two fans. The waiters quickly tended to his table, while the fans made their way to the washroom to clean up. Brigitte told me that Tony treats his fans well. I told her she is just the same.¡z

I just would like to mention one more thing for Helga;

The wine glass wasn't broken, it was just his imagination. The glass was wobbled a little and only some wine splashed on the table. That's all
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:57 am    Post subject:

Dear Helga,

What can I say, for Jamaica says it all in her posting! I'm really moved by your efforts and the efforts from the others to make your unique experience a shared memory.... a thousand thanks!!!!

And isn't it coincidental that all you have written about your little accident is reported from a different point of view as well!!!!
Such a dramatic yet funny incident... It could have happened to me too, that's for sure...

About Tony's much hoped for appearance...I'm simply speechless. Perhaps I'll find the words later....or I will remain silent and just think of him....

With love,

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:05 am    Post subject:

....with a big smile.... (I forgot to mention...)

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:47 am    Post subject:

Thank you for your very kind words Jamaica and Zeefje - Very Happy
To Info, Eri and Jenny many Thanks for posting the foto and the translated article - in addtion !
My 2nd HK-report-adventure - comes also to an end very soon Wink
......I´ll keep these days in my heart and mind - forever Smile

See you
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:57 pm    Post subject:

Hi Helga,
Thank you so much for sharing your precious and priceless experience with your fellow TL fans. I’m so happy that your dreams finally came true. You really made my day a very happy one!

I’m almost sure our idol made this meeting to happen - from his busy and tight schedule - is mainly because of your presence – his big loyal fan from other side of the earth – went all the way to HK to celebrate his birthday. He’s such a caring and kind person, and I’m speechless……

And, Info,
Thanks for posting all those lovely pictures and articles. I am so enjoying from looking/reading them.
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In The Mood For Leung

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:01 pm    Post subject:

Helga -

Four words: I am so jealous Sad

But I am truly happy for you Very Happy
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Joined: 26 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:17 am    Post subject:

So happy that finally you met Tony (if it's me who can meet him I'll be 10 times happier hehe love). Actually your story is very very interesting to read, especially this part... I read it with a big smile, imagine how thrilled yet nervous you are when chatting with him. It's must be an amazing time, isn't it?

Embarassed I start to dream one day I can see Tony and you guys... in real life... Wow I may be soooooo excitedddd that get into brainfreeze mode Shocked , knowing nothing to say and just starring at him In Love
Sorry! I'm a cop!
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Joined: 22 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:59 am    Post subject:

Hi redfox !

"Brainfreeze" is funny - and apparopriate ! Wink hahaha
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